Saturday, October 15, 2011

So Many directions

i have been wearing my heart on my sleeve and that can cause so many problems.
I realized that my heart has actually gone bonkers and it refuses to calm down and leaves no stone moved..
i realized how much i was dependent and i continue to depend on individuals,bonds that cause the ruckus.

oh when will it calm down and just stay inside where it needs to and not jump from building to building.
Cause i have no idea what is it searching for....

no idea..


  1. let it jump from building to building. Let it.
    eventually it will calm down.. don't hold yourself back. You taught me this.
    eventually you would also know what you're searching for.. what you seek.. you shall certainly find that..

  2. hehhe.... i love it how you put that out there..
    though.. is it safe for it to be jumping around so much ?
    u sure ?
    what if it comes back handicapped ? :"(

  3. it won't become handicapped i promise..
    mine's been doing the same since so long.. :P
    let it jump instead of holding it back,
    holding it back will hurt you too, won't it.. it'll get hurt but it'll emerge out stronger evtually :)
    *hugs hugs hugs*
