Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Split second syndrome

 And my hair cuts have been rather drastic depending on my mood..
 If i feel agitated then i am as good as going bald and when i feel vulnerable i want to keep my length and jst a trimming..but right now i need a change..You see its a split second syndrome. One second i was  sititng the next thing is my hair is chopped. Self expression can be very intresting.


And its also that time where i am already going through a lot of changes but want another change to change this change.
Its a phase where i feel a change in my look my bring certain things taken care off.
Its a phase where my days go in a certain pattern and i need a new routine.
Its a phase where i feel i need a life.
Its a phase where i probably need some one real close to hold hands with.
Its a phase where ill actually be isolated seeking solitude.

And just when you think all that goes into a hair cut.

i need a change from this change real soon.

There is something that is eating me up.. but i cant figure out what ?
I tried finding reasons applicable but no sir.. no answer yet.
Is it in my head or there hasnt been genuine source of happiness for a while.
A genuine smile.

yes, i lack a genuine stretch of hundred muscles for me to smile effortlessly.

i also feel having a dog will solve everything.
i miss my pets..

I also i feel i am stuck between what i have to be at all times and what i want to be.
I am this diff person on the weekdays and a diff person on a Sunday. The moment the part of me is trying to come out i feel strange like dont let it out... you'll get embarrassed.
And so during my sleep i am the closest to being my self.

Maybe ill get a puppy.. maybe i wont feel like this. I love dogs.. and they have always brought genuine smiles for me.. with thier genuine love..

i miss blacky and chun chun.


  1. when did u have short hair?? wow!! where do you get you haircuts from? i need a change too!

  2. hey yes i did lots of times .. ! :\ .. mood swings...
    and yes i just go my change bt not what iw as looking for :\
