Tuesday, September 6, 2011

hello there !

there have been times when i wanted to share a lot of things here but i didnt.. but i can knowing notmany people read this blog..
so what the hell..
it turns out the mr. special  nd i are not so special any more.. err.. i hope you know what i mean..
i am sitting in an empty room listening to eliza doolittle .. any how..
i am waiting to get back home.. i want to rest.. refresh my head and just chill like laze around in a very comfy position.
I had some major stomach cramps yesterday early freaking morning starting from the day before (mid night).. didnt sleep till it turned 5.. and when i did, 7 30 i got a call from my family informing me ant some one who is coming to stay over and needs to be picked up soon from the metro station..
And so on this cloudy rainy morning i went for a drive.. ( felt good to be honest ) and got back home.. had a busy working day and then lovely dinner with family and the home!
Now when i went of to sleep i was high. High on the idea of sleeping ! and so i slept off and just didnt wish to wake up.. so tired and so got ready in my sleep ! :| and it was not good.
i look a bit stupid. the shoes are great for another outfit. the dress is great for another occasion. and never mind. and who.. i rlly rlly want to catch up on some sleep :   \
or else just lie down.. or something.. and oh by god ! why does my hand and my right arm hurt so much.
Did i tell you there has been some one who has been doing a bit of rescuing lately..
As i said, i know people dont read this..so its ok to mention stuff here i guess..
well i lost some one very very very dear to me and my family and things have been strange and very very strange.
Around that same time.. mr.Special and i decided to part ways. .
But as i said there has been some one who has been doing the damage control.. it feels good to have ahem around.
For now at times i feel like just leaving our house and just go to some place new  and start all over again.
mmmm... its difficult i guess.
i mean since there are so many changes lets add some more of our own changes to it.
ok then, bye bye.
miss u all.


  1. sorry for the loss. I don't know if it'll make you feel better but i lost 3 members in family last year.. at one go. Stuff happens. Life is hard.
    As for escaping, i've had that on my mind for some time now as well. Hope things get better soon and you feel awesome again!

  2. p.s. in your current theme, i can't really read comments. You know what i mean, the gray background hides the font..

  3. hey you !
    thank you, and yes experiencing loss is not the best feeling in the world for sure.. but you seem to be such a brave girl. :)
    And oh yes i dream of heading out with no cell phones.. and just breathe.
    thank you again.. if you need anything you should let me know.

  4. I deeply connected to this particular post. Though not our respective losses are in no manner comparable, to each its the most intensely personal experience. And reading this post was like, some friend actually sitting silently, letting me speak, letting me cry and keeping an arm over my shoulder.
